400 Days of Surrender — Day 4: Bumping into your ex

Vincent Daranyi
3 min readSep 28, 2020


New to this series? You can find Day 1 here.

You can’t make this up. Life has a plan for you. Yesterday, I went on my second date this year. After a longer, more introspective and secluded time, I feel the desire to be more open and out in the world again.

No agenda, no specific outcome needed, just meeting another human soul and try to connect more deeply. And while we’re waiting for a space at the bar, the girl I’ve been seeing last year walks down the road with a friend.

I haven’t seen her in months and I’ve never bumped into her randomly ever. You can’t make this up, only life can. Not only did she walk down at the exact moment we were standing on the street, she would also have dinner at the same place — but without us seeing each other. Basically, we’re in the same place, a place I’m at for the first time this year, we don’t see each other but our paths crossed in the few minutes I was standing waiting outside.

We hugged and went about our ways. These are not coincidences but reflection of a deeper connection we’re all part of. I don’t know what the message here for us was or it’s just a sing of our spiritual entanglement but there’s a message here from life. When we are presented with challenges, with chance encounters, with hints, we often don’t pay much attention or discord the message as a coincidence. But being fully alive rather than being in your head thinking about tomorrow or what went wrong yesterday means being present with what is in front of you and taking it all in rather than discounting or pushing it away.

When I first saw her, I was thinking this can’t be true but then I got out of my mind and we hugged and I was just there, embracing that moment rather than thinking about the awkwardness or any other story that might be in my head. I was just feeling and connecting with another human being no matter of our past or whatever was on our minds when we first caught each other in the street.

The message I’d like to leave you with: If you can learn to embrace life with whatever it presents to you right in that the very moment, don’t judge it whether it’s good or bad, don’t have any stories around it but just be and feel it in its richness, that is being alive! ✨

Continue to Day 5: Breaking your arm

This is a repost of my Instagram series of 400 Days of Surrender that I started in September 2020. If you want to skip ahead, you can find all posts here. If you wonder who I am, check out my website. Always excited to hear from you. ❤️



Vincent Daranyi
Vincent Daranyi

Written by Vincent Daranyi

Building a village and center for a new way of being: https://news.neos.life

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