400 Days of Surrender — Day 29: Educated into misery
New to this series? You can find Day 1 and why I’m writing this here.
This week I am participaring in a seminar in Vortex Healing. It’s something a friend of mine told me about and curious me looked it up and thought if she’s recommending it, let’s try it.
We are basically receiving energetic transmissions/healing as a group “through” Zoom. Old Vincent from a couple of years ago would have balked at the idea that something like that is possible. It can’t be explained by current science and so to most people (including me in the past), they just smirk at the idea of it.
But let’s think about this for a second. There are so many things out there that we can’t explain and we assume that it is because science has not understood them yet. However, what about the possibility that current science just follows its own ideology/world view and therefore can’t understand certain things by definition — that is, until we change the paradigm.
I’m also doing a course in Unified Integrative Medicine which is bringing together mind, body and soul to understand health and disease. Ayahuasca is another example where the healing power can’t be explained and now this energetic healing course I am doing.
When I look at my own health, I have experienced situations where physically supposedly everything was fine with my body yet I was not. Doctors didn’t have answers but once you put on a holistic perspective, the disease can be understood and cured.
Modern medicine is great if something is broken like a bone but when it comes to chronic diseases whether they are IBS, cancer, diabetes, migraine, etc. they can just provide symptoms treatment, never cure. Why is that? Because it doesn’t look at the body as a whole but thinks that only matter matters — which is the same in science except for quantum physics. These limited views prohibit us from dealing with the causes of the problems.
Today’s post is titled “educated into misery” because the reason for many of our problems is that they are not solved because we have been indoctrinated with the wrong approach science childhood. Schools are all about hard sciences, right and wrong, performing and pressure. What about creativity and diversity? We don’t need more human robots.
Our focus on the mind, rationality and thinking and neglecting emotions, feelings, intuition and, most importantly, knowing stands in the way of finding happiness in life because we do what is logical but what we want is what makes us feel good, what we are passionate about and what makes us come alive.
We might go through life depressed and unsatisfed and wonder why. Well, because we were educated into misery indoctrinated by the wrong, inhumane approach, a factory approach to life rather than living life.
But there’s light at the end of the tunnel: We are all free to question our beliefs, as challenging as it can be, because your beliefs are just that: beliefs. They might be true but they might also be very wrong and even if everyone else beliefs they are true too doesn’t make them any truer.
We think when Copernicus announced the world was round they didn’t have science. They did, he presented the science yet people and the church wanted to stick to their beliefs and ideology and burnt him.
Do we really think we are in a different place today? I believe (no pun intended) it’s the opposite. Our over-reliance on what we can measure and underappreciation of what we don’t understand (yet) leads us to a very distorted way of living and healing and that’s why we keep carrying our diseases — mental, spiritual and physical — with us instead of curing them.
Open your eyes, explore topics that you didn’t think made any sense — before thinking you understand them — and your world might beautifully transform. Let’s be more humble, leave our ignorance behind and wake up to what really is both individually and as a species! All I can tell you that it’s an incredible journey of awe and liberation. ✨
Continue to Day 30: News and noise.